The outside lane should be use for exiting the premises once you have picked up or dropped of f your child(ren)
Remain bumper to bumper with the car in front of you - continue to move forward
Be cognizant of traffic behind you (be aware that you may have to move up)
Stay off of your mobile phones - cell phone use is against the law in school zones
NEVER get out of your car and leave it unattended
Double parking/standing is prohibited
The lot goes back to one lane at the exit so merge safely and patiently
You might have to drive around the entire lot due to traffic flow - DO NOT block traffic looking for your child (think of O’Hare airport)
If you want/need to meet your child at the doors, park legally on the village streets and walk to the building
Trust that your child is safe. We have two staff supervisors outside every day in addition to the principal and assistant principal.
Students are expected to arrive at school on time. Students can enter the building at 8:35 AM and classes begin at 8:40 AM.
Security Procedures
Students will only be dismissed to a parent or legal guardian, or to emergency contacts designed in Family Access.
All of the exterior school doors are locked at all times during the school day, and all visitors are required to enter through the front office, sign in, and present their photo ID. Students arriving late must go directly to the office with a parent/guardian and sign in. All students leaving early must be signed out by a parent/guardian.
Winter Weather Months
If it is raining or we are experiencing severe cold (temperature or wind chill below 10 degrees), students should enter the building at the nearest door and line-up outside their classrooms.
During snow season, children should wear winter coats, snow pants, boots, gloves and hats each day. Children who are not dressed appropriately will be restricted to the blacktop area in order to keep their clothes dry. We suggest parents keep an extra set of clothes in school in case their child gets wet during recess.